Frampol after Bombardment |
Frampol is a small town of a regular, geometrical shape, wih then Europe's biggest market place, on which the town hall was located. German bombers used the arrangement of the town as a training target. On 13th September 1939, 12 planes from general Lohr's IV air Fleet carried out a raid on Frampol. In a few hours demolition and incendiary bombs turned the small town into a ruin. 90% of buildings were burnt down, only Market street, situated in the eastern part of the town, and two buildings situated in the neighbouring Orzechowa street, survived. In spite of such considerable damage not many people were killed (about 10 persons). After bombing of Biłgoraj and Janów Lubelski, Frampol inhabitants organised the vigilance committee which raised an alarm at the sight of arriving planes. Moreover many people had already been in hiding outside Frampol.
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